May 27, 1937: Golden Gate Bridge Opens In San Francisco

Like the Brooklyn Bridge 3,000 miles to the east, the Golden Gate bridge stands as a sublime example of engineering know-how and aspirational thinking. The suspension bridge between San Francisco and Marin County was designed by Joseph Strauss in the Art Deco style, as were many other skyscrapers and public works of the period. This airline poster from the 1950s depicts the bridge as a streamlined icon of modernism.

Aerial view of Pan American Airways

Aerial view of Pan American Airways

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Edward Moran

Edward is a literary historian specializing in nineteenth- and twentieth-century American social and cultural history. He was associate editor of the World Authors reference series published by H. W. Wilson. He was also associate editor of the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, the English language editor for the Japanese American News Corporation, chief editor of Global Rhythm magazine, and a contributing writer to the St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture.


May 28, 1863: The 54th Massachusetts Regiment Of African Americans Leaves Boston For South Carolina


Halloween - Foreword: A Coal-Region Halloween